Pick your doomsday of choice - Methow Valley News

Pick your doomsday of choice - Methow Valley News

Methow Valley News

Pick your doomsday of choice
Methow Valley News
This planet also known as Nibiru was supposed to have destroyed the earth on May 27, 2003, but since that obviously did not happen, 2012 was the next date of choice. At this time it is orbiting the sun between us and the sun. The reason no one has seen ...

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Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG0nVLXSLsUTGr980c_Zzx3YsQHoA&url=http://www.methowvalleynews.com/story.php?id%3D7261