August 17 Nibiru/Planet X Update: Nibiru is Almost Here!

The arrival of Nibiru is just around the corner, or so that’s what we’ve been told to believe. No major catastrophes or sightings have been seen today, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not coming or nearly here. The guy that posted this video on Youtube has been tracking videos and adding them for quite some time. Make sure you check out some of his older posts to verify what he is saying in this video. He goes by the name Neddy Flanders (Simpsons anyone?) and he does have quite an Internet following. One of the things that I like about this video is that he does walk you through his own thought process and how to distinguish between Nibiru and Venus, or any of the other planetary or celestial bodies that might be confused with the Nibiru system. Notice that this thing looks like a giant ball of dust coming our way. The reason it looks like this is because it pretty much is! One of the things that Planet X and Nibiru researchers have been saying all along is that Nibiru will be dragging a debris field with it and this will be as dangerous as Nibiru itself. Make preparations now: