August 2012 UFO Sighting in Canada: Nibiru or Planet X?

This UFO sighting was recorded in August 2012 somewhere in Canada and appears to be authentic. At first glance, I thought this was a video of a UFO, but upon closer inspection I came to conclude that we could be looking at Nibiru or Planet X. The fact that the object appears to be stationary gives the entire video a certain sense of credibility. If the UFO turns out to be Planet X or Nibiru, then we’ll soon see its effects as it moves through our solar system. There are better videos that purport to show Planet X or Nibiru that you can find out there on the Internet. I have cataloged many of them here, so feel free to go through the archives. We need to keep in mind that some of these anomalies can be the effect of the gravitational pull from the galactic rift on our planet as well. A pole shift may be right around the corner; we just don’t know the exact time or what the cause will be. A couple of months ago, I reported that we will see an increase in these UFO sightings as we get closer to December 21, 2012. This may be one more incident among many. I will bring you as many of these as I can as I come across them. To learn what you can do to survive the upcoming pole shift,