August 30 Update: Leaked BBC Nibiru Video That You MUST See–Prepare to Pee Your Pants

This may be the one Nibiru video that makes you pee your pants, especially if you’ve been waiting for more definitive proof of Nibiru’s arrival. Most of the Nibiru or Planet X footage that you see on the Internet is fairly difficult to accept as being authentic. This video clearly shows an object in the sky over the northern hemisphere on August 28, 2012. Note that the video of the object is edited into the video provided by the person posting on Youtube. Why is this important? Well, the people that originally took the video had no idea what they were looking at, calling it a “second sun” or “two suns,” but never mentioning Nibiru or Planet X. To me, this indicates the authenticity of the original footage. This was not someone trying to create a Nibiru video! Now, the guy who put together the video for Youtube cannot pronounce “Ni-bee-ru” to save his life. He keeps calling it “Ni-rye-boo,” transposing the r and the b in the name. However, he does go to great lengths to show where Nibiru should be in its current path and he also notes how this originally aired on the BBC. Is this the type of footage we can now come to expect leading up to December 21, 2012? It is much more likely! Click Here!