August 30 Nibiru Update: Sunken Cities Found–Evidence of Past Pole Shift

The evidence for previous pole shifts is everywhere around us on this planet. In some cases you have to dig deep enough to find it, while in other cases, you may have to dive deep enough. Take the sunken city found off the coast of Cuba in 2001. This city was found pretty much intact, to the point that it appears as if the city sank so quickly that no one living there knew that it was going to occur. There are sunken cities of this type found all over the planet on a regular basis and most of them share this “suddenly sunk” characteristic. The only way to account for this is be admitting the fact that there was a massive flood of biblical proportions, likely brought on by a pole shift. Is that what we’re in store for on December 21, 2012? Who knows? Some say that we’ll see the arrival of Nibiru or Planet X and that will bring the shift. Others say it is the result of moving through the galactic rift. It is impossible to say, but with all of the earthquakes and tsunamis lately, it is a good idea to get ready: Click Here!