August 30 Nibiru Update: Calendar Countdown to the Pole Shift

We’ve been speculating about the arrival of Nibiru or Planet X and the eventual pole shift that will occur, probably later this year around the December 21, 2012 date that marks the end of the Mayan calendar. This video provides you with a chronicle of events that will likely occur once Planet X is clearly spotted in the sky. Unfortunately, the video spends more time on political commentary than on how the actual pole shift events will happen. Nonetheless, the narrator makes some good points about what the government is doing in preparation for the pole shift. They will be looking for a reason to declare a national emergency and institute martial law. John Moore is now reporting that he has four sources corroborating that a financial collapse is planned for the third week of October 2012. This will create the national emergency that will allow President Obama to suspend the 2012 election and possibly declare martial law. I have to believe that the move towards financial collapse and martial law are for the purpose of keeping the population under control while Nibiru passes and causes the pole shift. You won’t be able to count on the government during this time. You will need to be self-sufficient. Learn how to survive any disaster from where you currently live: Click Here!