August 30 Nibiru Update: August 30 Nibiru Update: Earthquake Updates for the Past Week

We have seen an entire spate of earthquakes over the last seven days and that should be cause for alarm for anyone living near a fault line. Although most of the quakes have taken place in and around southern California, larger quakes have impacted the lives of people in Indonesia and El Salvador this week also. El Salvador was actually under tsunami warning for a short period of time before the warning was rescinded. The connection between Nibiru or Planet X and the coming pole shift should be obvious. The earth is shifting in response to the greater gravitational pull from the inbound Nibiru system. We don’t know if the pole shift will occur on December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar, but the date will likely have some type of significance for the pole shift. Get ready for the pole shift before it’s too late. Click Here!